Friday, September 21, 2012

True Woman '12 w/Dannah Gresh

Okay, never done this before, but I am going to attempt to blog live from a True Woman break out session with Dannah Gresh.  What that means is that this blog will keep changing before your eyes! :) This session is called "What Children Need to Become Pure Holy Adults."  Join with me, comment, and when it is done, I am going to give away a set of Dannah Gresh books....Six Ways to Keep the Good in Your Boy and Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl.  Here we go!

Here is the link to Dannah Gresh's website, for those of you interested in her ministry.  Awesome resource for parents!

Did you know that Dannah has a church curriculum for group study of And the Bride Wore White?  Please check that out if you work with teens.

"Sometimes when a man and a woman love each other VERY much, they hold each other really, really tight." And so begins this session with Dannah.  That was her answer when her daughter came to her years ago and asked how her eggs in her belly knew to turn into babies!  Wow, what a great answer!  Any of you have a "First Conversation" story to share? :)

 As Dannah begins, I am struck with her passion for being a mommy mentor.  She has walked there before us and is has raised three Godly and pure children.  May she be one of our wise guides as we journey through motherhood.

The  I am overwhelmed with the culture that we live in and how it is assaulting our children and families.  There is an erosion of the fabric of Truth and and an all-out war on the Gospel.  As moms, we have to rise up and build up our homes and protect our children's purity.  

Six Strategies To Live Above The Culture:

1. Enter into God's healing for you.  II Cor. 1:3,4

To get to the heart of protecting our children's purity, we have to have to be healed ourselves.  Dannah says, "You cannot raise sexually pure kids until your heart is whole."  Has the sin of your past hindered you from feeling whole and pure?  

2. Become a connected mom.  Proverbs 22:6

I cannot say enough about this.  In her two books, Dannah details this more, but as I am thinking about this now, I think, in our technology-rich world, how are we unplugging from all of those distractions and plugging into our children?  I can think of a time recently when I was on my computer doing homework, my husband was watching TV, my middle guy was playing WII, my oldest was playing DS...and our evening passed with very little interaction.  Dannah tells us about the abundance of research on family connectedness and the importance it plays in our children's development.  Don't underestimate how vitally important face-to-face connectedness is for our children.  Make time to have meaningful, connected moments with them.  Can you share some of your strategies for connecting? What is something you are doing with your family to be connected?

3. Encourage creative role play. 3 John 1:1

TURN OFF THE TV.  TURN OFF VIDEO GAMES.  And as Dannah says, "LET THEM BE BORED!"  That's all I will say on the subject.  Anybody else want to chime in here?

4. Celebrate their physical maturity.  Psalm 139:13,14

Moms, it is paramount that we, our children's parents, are the source of knowledge as our children grow and their bodies change.  

5. Build a vision of their spouse.  II Timothy 3:1-5

Dannah made an outstanding and passionate plea to us that we stop focusing more on our children's future careers than we do their future mates.  Are you talking about their future oneness with a spouse?  "Positive messages are far more potent than negative ones."  

6. Become a praying mom.  Deuteronomy 9:1-5

"If you do not have an ongoing conversation with the Holy Spirit about raising your children to be set apart in this corrupt culture, you will become a paranoid mother whose legalism does not allow her children to face the giants God means for them to face." -Dannah Gresh

Done...Comment below some way this has blessed you.  If you have read the Six ways books, tell us how they have blessed you.  If you are familiar with Dannah's ministry, tell us a way that she and her ministry have blessed you.  If this is the first time that you have ever even heard the name, Dannah Gresh...then HALLEUJAH! This has served it's purpose.  She is THE BEST purity resource I have ever come across and whether she knows it or not, a great mentor of mine.  I am so very thankful that I can share her with you! :) 


  1. Thanks for this blog post. What great reminders. I especially love #6 reminding me to have an ongoing conversation with the Holy Spirit about raising my children. Dannah's ministry has truly blessed me in helping me to raise my daughter.

  2. Sorry for the delay! From the comments here and Twitter, a twitter commenter has won these books! Congrats Tiffany Mason! She has won a set of the Six Ways books!
