Hello Friends,
Wow...how life gets ahead of us sometimes! I cannot believe that I haven't found the time to sit and share in so many months. I have worked on so much writing, but never finished to completion anything to share. So, I would love to share something with you that is enriching me daily at the moment.
As many of you have heard me say before, my life was set into a more focused and purposed motion after attending a True Woman conference in 2008. Wow! What a journey I have been on! The transcripts from that conference can be purchased in book form called Voices from the True Woman Movement or read and listened to straight from the website here. I HIGHLY recommend the sessions from John Piper and Mary Kassian. All of the others are AMAZING as well, but those are really the two speakers that spoke to me most greatly at that point in my journey.
In 2010, I attended the conference again. I said before, this is not your ordinary women's conference. It is so theologically sound and encouraging to the heart of a woman. You can check out the sessions for that conference here. I recommend Janet Parshall's: Mary's Secret to Embracing Life-Shaking Circumstances, Nancy Leigh DeMoss's: What is a True Woman, and a break-out session by Mary Kassian: The Genesis of Gender. There isn't a sour note there, but that's where I would start.
Now, here it is, two years later, and True Woman '12 is just around the corner, 13 days away to be exact. I have planned to attend this conference since early this year. I wouldn't miss it. Unfortunately, but maybe perfectly for me, I will be attending alone this year. In the past, I have gone with a group of women from my church, but this year, other obligations have kept me from promoting or organizing it (hello new baby and full-time course load). I am really trying to see this as a great opportunity to quiet my heart and focus without my usual distractions. But, I have been a bit saddened that I haven't had the ability to get more women to this great conference with me.
To my surprise, this morning, I received a message that this year's conference is going to be available via LIVE STREAM! That's right, the entire conference will be available from wherever you are, assuming you have an internet connection! YAY!! So I am wondering...WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND TRUE WOMAN '12 WITH ME?! The conference is September 20-21. Would you commit to "attend" some or all of this year's conference with me by streaming online? I would love to chat with you all about the conference and what God is doing through this great event after it is over. What a great way for those of us who live in different parts of the country to share in this together and encourage one another from afar! Share this blog with a friend and invite her to join us as well. I believe God is going to do mighty things! I am SO excited!
So, if you are willing to participate in this way, please leave a comment below. Also, the True Woman conference has been sending a daily Heart Prep devotional leading up to the conference. We are on day 9 today which I am posting below. Days 1-8 are also linked if you would like to read those as well.
Commit today, and lets do this together! I will post the Daily Heart Prep on here every day leading up and we can pray for one another as well. Check back for the link to the live stream in my sidebar, and while you are preparing, check out the True Woman event page with the schedule and speakers info. What a different experience doing this both solo and as a group! I wonder how God will use this solitude/distance approach to this whole experience? Again, don't forget to comment below that you are joining me!
Day 9: Pride on Your Side?
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. ~James 4:10A missionary to a certain region in Africa—a man who had been greatly used by God as an instrument of revival—recalled that when he would mention (even as a passing reference) the name of another Christian to any of the national believers, they would often ask, “Is he a broken Christian?” Not, “Is he committed?” or “knowledgeable?” or “hardworking?”
“Is he broken . . . ?”
How can you tell if you’re a broken Christian? One way is to consider the difference between a broken person and a proud person:
Proud people desire to be known as a success. Broken people are motivated to be faithful and to make others successful.
Proud people are elated by praise and deflated by criticism. Broken people know that any praise for their accomplishments belongs to the Lord, and that criticism can help them become more like Christ.
Proud people keep others at arm’s length. Broken people are willing to take the risk of getting close to others.
Proud people are concerned about the consequences and problems caused by their sin. Broken people are more concerned about how their sin has grieved and dishonored a holy God.
Proud people feel worthy of respect. Broken people feel a desperate need for God’s mercy.
If statements like these reveal the presence of pride in your heart, don’t despair; God has been merciful to show you your need. The first step of brokenness and humility is to get honest about these things, to acknowledge the true condition of your heart. Don’t try to cover up, justify, rationalize, compare yourself with others, or pretend you’re better off than you really are. The riches and blessings of God’s grace belong to those who recognize their spiritual poverty.
If someone were to ask your friends or family members of you, “Is she/he a broken Christian?” what would the response be?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Excerpted from Nancy’s newest book, The Quiet Place.
Prayer Focus: Pray for protection from fear of man, pride, discouragement, and every other weapon the enemy might use against the women who attend.
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